Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough
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Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

A few years ago when I started a cake business, I was surprised to see how many different orders came in at the same time. It was frustrating for everyone, including my family, because I was storing ingredients in the family fridge. Pretty soon, my husband told me that we needed to invest in some larger appliances, but I didn't know how to start the search. We visited several different stores that had a huge number of options, and I was able to whittle down the appliances that would work for us. This blog is all about finding appliances that are large enough for the things you need to store every day.

Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

4 Easily Repairable Washing Machine Problems

Mikael Manni

Washing machines get a lot of use. The average American family washes 8 to 10 loads per week. That's a lot of washing. We rely on these machines to keep us going, so when they break down, it can break up a family's entire routine. Fortunately, not every washing machine problem will require a long-awaited visit from a repair expert. Here are four common problems that you can easily fix with a little care or a replacement part.

Mildew Smell

Front-loading washing machines have become the standard in home appliances. Nearly every manufacturer has its own model. However, a common issue has emerged with most front-loading washing machines—a mildew smell. This problem is most often caused by a clogged filter and improper drainage in the boot seal of the door. Water collects in the seal, causing mildew to grow. Fortunately, you can easily clean out the filter and the boot seal yourself. However, if the problem is particularly bad, you might just need to replace the seal. That's easy to do as well.

Improper Drainage

Another easily fixable problem is improper drainage from the drum. This is very often caused by a clog in the drainage hose. A clogged hose may also be responsible for bad smells. Fortunately, this is simple to fix by removing the hose and checking for clogs. If you find that there is a blockage in the hose, you can flush out the detritus with an outdoor garden hose and then reinstall the drainage hose. Problem solved. If the clog is especially bad, you can try replacing the hose and see if that does the trick.


Has your washing machine been rattling and vibrating? This is sometimes a simple matter of leveling the washer by adjusting the feet. You can check by rocking the machine back and forth or using a spirit level to see if the machine is leaning to either side. If it is, you can adjust the feet, usually by twisting clockwise or counterclockwise to lower and raise. You may need a crescent wrench to loosen the walking nut first.

Door Won't Latch

If your machine's door won't stay latched when you close it, you'll need to inspect the handle to see if it's visibly damaged. If not, the problem is likely the door interlock assembly, and you'll need to replace it. Fortunately, it's fairly easy to do. Buy a replacement assembly and remove the old one removing the door seal, unscrewing the interlock, removing the terminal from the interlock, attaching the new one, and then refitting the pieces you removed. Done.

To learn more, contact a place that carries washing machine parts.
