Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough
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Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

A few years ago when I started a cake business, I was surprised to see how many different orders came in at the same time. It was frustrating for everyone, including my family, because I was storing ingredients in the family fridge. Pretty soon, my husband told me that we needed to invest in some larger appliances, but I didn't know how to start the search. We visited several different stores that had a huge number of options, and I was able to whittle down the appliances that would work for us. This blog is all about finding appliances that are large enough for the things you need to store every day.

Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

Is Your Refrigerator Running? 7 Signs Your Fridge Needs Fixing

Mikael Manni

Is your refrigerator the most important appliance in your home? Most families depend on their refrigerators to keep needed food cold and ready to serve. When your refrigerator is no longer working properly, the results can be both frustrating and expensive. The best way to solve a refrigerator problem is to catch it in the early stages. Here are 7 signs your fridge may need professional repairs. 


Are there suspicious noises coming from your refrigerator? Is it running louder than usual? 

Pay attention to the sounds your fridge is making. You might be able to hear it come on, but the noise as it's running shouldn't be noticeable. If it is, there might be a problem with the inner workings. 

Be able to describe the noise you hear. Is it a humming, a gurgling, or a knocking? Your repair person will be better prepared if you offer all the information possible. 

Spoiled Food

Does your food seem to be spoiling before the expiration date or before you expect? If your food is going bad early, it's a sign that your refrigerator isn't working hard enough. Keep track of spoiling food to determine if you have a problem. 

Too Much Frost

Your refrigerator should be cold, but it should not be turning into a winter wonderland. Large patches of frost that form on the inside of your machine may indicate a problem with your thermostat. 

Electrical Smell

Are there funny smells coming from your fridge? The first thing to do is be sure that there is no spoiled food hanging around and causing the issue. If you are sure you've checked everything and thrown out what was old or moldy, you should call a repair person. 

An electrical or burning smell could mean your fridge could have a problem in the motor or compressor. 

Too Warm

There are many reasons a refrigerator may not be getting cold enough. You could be having a problem with your defroster, or the fan in your motor may have stopped working. It could also be an issue with the mechanics that monitor and control the temperature. 

If your fridge isn't getting cold, save as much of the food as you can by moving it to a second refrigerator or using it immediately. Then call a repair person. 


Are you seeing water collecting on the outside of your fridge? The likely culprit is the sealing on the fridge or freezer door. If your refrigerator isn't air tight, it will be working too hard. Condensation can also occur. 

High Energy Usage 

Do you keep track of your energy use? Some refrigerator models let you know exactly how much energy you are using each month. You may also have to start paying close attention to your bills. 

Your refrigerator is probably one of the most energy guzzling appliances in your home. Consumer energy site, Green Living Ideas, states that secondary refrigerators use the most household energy only after air conditioning and hot water heaters. If your bill is steadily going up, your fridge could very well be the problem. 

If you notice any of these signs in your refrigerator, it's time to take action. Reach out to your refrigerator repair person to arrange a consultation. There are so many things that can go wrong with a refrigerator that it often takes a professional to get to the crux of the problem. Be ready to explain your concerns to the person doing your repairs in order to get the quickest, most effective response. Refrigerator problems can complicate your life, but the good news is that the pros can help. For more information, contact a company like Anderson's Appliance Repair Service.
