Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough
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Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

A few years ago when I started a cake business, I was surprised to see how many different orders came in at the same time. It was frustrating for everyone, including my family, because I was storing ingredients in the family fridge. Pretty soon, my husband told me that we needed to invest in some larger appliances, but I didn't know how to start the search. We visited several different stores that had a huge number of options, and I was able to whittle down the appliances that would work for us. This blog is all about finding appliances that are large enough for the things you need to store every day.

Finding Appliances That Are Large Enough

Kitchen Noises & Appliances: 3 Sounds That Indicate It's Time for a Repair

Mikael Manni

Home kitchens are filled with all types of sounds on a daily basis. Whether it's a coffee pot brewing, meat sizzling on the stove, or the dishwasher going through its cycle, it's not unusual to hear and get used to a variety of noises. It's when a foreign sound is introduced to the kitchen that you should start getting worried. A new sound in your kitchen is likely coming from one of the many appliances. By having a good ear and pinpointing the following three sounds, you can determine the exact appliance and call a maintenance company to come and check things out. Recognizing and fixing these sounds quickly can help prevent problems from getting worse and keep your kitchen running as smooth as possible.


A loud buzzing can become infuriating, especially if you're having trouble locating the exact source. If there is a buzzing sound emitting from your kitchen, then one of the more likely causes is actually your refrigerator. By pulling out the refrigerator a little bit, you can will likely find that the source of this buzzing is coming from the back of the appliance. This can be the result of two common problems. One of the first issues is the refrigerator compressor. The compressor helps keep items cold, and if it is starting to fail, then you will hear that buzzing noise. Repair costs for the compressor replacement can add up to around $200. Replacing the part and eliminating the buzzing sound is often cheaper than purchasing a new fridge.

Another source of the buzzing sound is the fridge's cooling fan. An appliance repair technician can complete a deep cleaning on your fridge components. Not only will it help eliminate the buzzing noises, but it can help your fridge operate better and reduce your overall energy costs.


If you hear a loud gurgling noise, then it's likely coming from one of two different appliances. In both cases, there is a likely a drainage issue where pipes are blocked or broken or components are not functioning properly. The gurgling may be coming from your dishwasher. As the dishwasher goes through different cycles, the drainage of dirty water may be slow or delayed, resulting in the loud gurgling noise. An appliance repair technician can inspect the dishwasher and repair the drainage system so water moves freely out of the dishwasher without any additional issues.

Gurgling may also be coming from a garbage disposal. Foods like meats, pastas, lettuce, and egg shells can all cause clogs and damage to your disposal. When the clogs occur, you may hear the gurgling noise as water tries to drain through the disposal. If the disposal is overworked, then the motor can burn out and cause additional issues. An appliance repair technician can help repair the disposal and replace parts so that it functions better in your home.


Each time you use the microwave oven, you may hear an unpleasant grinding noise. Even if your food is still cooking, this noise can get worse and cause additional problems in the future. One of the main causes of a grinding sound in the microwave is the turn table motor. This motor helps rotate your food each time the microwave is being used. If the motor is failing, you may hear the grinding noise and notice that the turn table is not rotating correctly. A repair technician can replace the motor and ensure that your microwave cooks evenly each time.

Another cause of grinding in the microwave is the stirrer motor. As the microwave emits waves through your food, the stirrer motor helps send these waves in random directions so that everything is actually heated. As the motor starts to fail, you will hear a piercing grinding noise each time the microwave is used. Replacing the part can help eliminate the noise and ensure that your food cooks evenly in the future.

Not only will these repairs help your appliances operate better, but you will be happier knowing that the annoying noises have been eliminated from your kitchen. If you need assistance with any of these appliance repairs, contact a representative from a company like Goldman  Appliances Inc.
